the basics of Kontrak Social are simple.

  1. Speak to the person you are looking to make a Kontrak with and flesh out the basics.
  2. In the app, select which type of Kontrak you wish to use
  3. Select your contact and proceed or add them to the app
  4. Enter your terms including whether the Kontrak is rated or not
  5. Sign with a selfie and send!

You will then be prompted to send details to your contact through your phones native messaging app, this is required for any new users as we do not send unsolicited messages, they must come from a trusted source. If your contact has an existing account and the app installed it will send a push notification and appear as “pending” on their overview screen.

Once both parties agree to the terms and sign using a selfie, the contract is established within the app. For a more detailed overview of the process please click below.