Given the state of the economy and the pressures on households food insecurity is on the rise. SBS today released an article indicating over 2.4 million households have run out of food in the last 12 months.
We know not everyone has access to traditional finance during these tough times and have to rely on the good will and assistance of family, friends and the broader community. This is one of the reasons we created Kontrak Social, to assist with the building of trust. Our mission is to establish a reliable and widespread system that not only builds trust but also unlocks the immense potential that trust brings, particularly for those who need it most and to preserve relationships while empowering financial stability and accessibility for individuals in all communities.
While Kontrak social does not provide funds or lending directly it helps facilitate and track interpersonal lending, and even allows you to track a favour for those who have helped you out in times of need.
#sbs #kontraksocial #kontrak #foods-insecurity #foodbank
Nearly half of low-income households in Australia are experiencing food insecurity, according to food relief charity Foodbank. Regional and single-parent families are more at risk.
Please go to for the full article. The original article was sourced from and more information can be found by going to the Foodbank Hunger Report.